The Life of Siddhartha Gotama, the Buddha in Nine Story Paintings.
Paintings and historical story by Andre Sollier.
Produced for the 2001 Ch’an Academy Sumi-e Painting Classes.
1. The Birth of Siddhartha
His mother and father, the kind Shuddhodana overjoyed.
But Asita a holy man in visit, foretold that Siddhartha (The Prince of the Sakya) would become a great religious Teacher.
2. The King Shuddhana Wanted That Siddhartha Follow His Dynasty
So Suddhana created a hermetic environment of pleasure, luxury, beauty around his sons. But one day, Siddhartha, discovered death, in a dead insect.
His environment of luxury, jewels, women, sex, refined food, servants, and drinks didn’t help him to overcome delusion and confusion.
3. Siddhartha Asked His Father To See The Outside World Beyond the Palace Prison.
Suddhana arranged for Siddhartha to be driven to the closed little city. But the he first gave order that all form of death, disability, for animals and human beings be kept out of sight.
But Siddhartha saw death, infirmaty, sickness, old age. That summarily initiation was traumatic for Siddhartha.
4. Siddhartha Returned Four Times To The City
On the fourth time Siddhartha met a Holy man, a Sadu who possessed a air of serenity and nobility of bearing, through his total poverty without belonging or money as a homeless mendicant.
Siddhartha decided to follow that way of life; cutting his long hairs (privalege of the upper class) giving his beautiful clothes, his jewelery, his horse, to find an answer to the problem of suffering and death.
He was about 29 years old.
5. Then Siddhartha Spent Four Years On Intensive Spiritual Disciplines.
He studied with the sage Alara Kalama, deep meditation Dhyana or state of trance. Siddhartha went to learn more with Udraka Rahaputra, a yogi Teacher. Siddhartha followed extremely hard yoga ascetic training.
6. Siddhartha With Five Admiring Fellow Yogi’s
He continued harder his ascetic training which brought him to the frontier of death. Then he realised that the answer to life was not in that way.
He has been subject to dark fears, erotic visions, self endulgent impulse, constant attack from “Mara” and his demons: the desires.
7. Siddhartha Accepted A Little Food
He accepted the food offered to him by a village girl to the great disgust of the five fellow yogi’s.
8. Siddhartha Sat Again Under A Peepul Tree, the “Bo” or Bodhi Tree In The State of Vihar
Siddhartha was determined to find the answer, even if he must die in his attempt.
Siddhartha on the night of the full moon of May got that answer and taught it.
The Three Truths
1. It is no
2. All is impermanence
3. All is suffering
Eightfold Path
The Five Khandas
The Twelve Dependances
9. The Eternal Teacher In Lotus Position Protected by The Great Naga (Holy Serpent)