
Australian Buddhist General Conference 2004

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Venerable Monks and Nuns from Phuoc Hue Monastery, Sydney and Quang Minh Melbourne chanting.

The Most Venerable Thich Phuoc Hue, head of the United Vietnamese Congregation of Australia and New Zealand.

The Most Venerable Thich Phuoc Hue, head of the United Vietnamese Congregation of Australia and New Zealand and Tai Cao, Quang Minh Temple.

Australian Buddhist General Conference Co-ordinator Vince Cavuoto, Member of Quang Minh Temple Melbourne, Tai Cao, Quang Minh Temple, The Most Venerable Thich Phuoc Hue, head of the United Vietnamese Congregation of Australia and New Zealand, Jo Lawless, Conference Marketing, Conference Volunteer, Henry Dang, J.P Secretary-General, the Buddhist Federation of Australia and Chairman, WFB Standing Committee on Unity and Solidarity, Ms Julie O'Donnell, Director Chan Academy Australia and Ms Pennie White, Vice-President International Dhamma Activities, Chan Academy Australia and Liaison Officer for The World Buddhist University, Thailand.

Venerable from Quang Minh Temple, Australian Buddhist General Conference Co-ordinator Vince Cavuoto, Henry Dang, J.P Secretary-General, the Buddhist Federation of Australia and Chairman, WFB Standing Committee on Unity and Solidarity, Volunteer Co-ordinator Rachael Wass, Special Events Assistant Luke Menzel, Henry Dang, J.P Secretary-General, the Buddhist Federation of Australia and Chairman, WFB Standing Committee on Unity and Solidarity (at rear), with Members of Quang Minh Temple Melbourne who prepared and offered food and drinks to participants of the Conference, and Venerable Thich Phuoc Tan, Buddhist Federation Australia and Abbot of Quang Minh Temple in Braybrook, Melbourne.

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